10 DIY Sock Snowman Crafts Which Are Too Cute for Kids to Make

6. DIY White Christmas Sock Snowman

Use work socks to make your snowman softy and fluffy.
DIY Sock Snowman Crafts - DIY White Christmas Sock Snowman Tutorial

Tutorial: busycreatingmemories.com

7.  DIY Handmade Christmas Sock Snowman

DIY Sock Snowman Crafts - DIY Handmade Christmas Sock Snowman Tutorial

Tutorial: Kimmlandmesser.blogspot.com 

8.  DIY Cutest Sock Snowman

DIY Sock Snowman Crafts - DIY Cutest Sock Snowman Tutorial

Tutorial: enjoytheviewblog.com

9. Easy Tube Sock Snowman Craft

DIY Sock Snowman Crafts - DIY Easy Tube Sock Snowman Craft   Tutorial

Tutorial: thefunkyfelter.com

10. DIY Christmas Sock Snowman

For the eyes, noses and buttons, we can simply glue onto it using hot glue gun. Super easy and fun. Want other snowman ideas? Click HERE to see if there is one you are interested. All Materials you need are Socks, Buttons, Needle and thread, Fabric scraps or ribbon for decor.

DIY Sock Snowman Crafts - DIY Christmas Sock Snowman Tutorial

 Tutorial: www.darkroomanddearly.com